Stockport Women’s Centre


A Message From Our Team

We’re women helping women. We understand you, we GET you, but importantly, we’ve got you and will do everything possible to help. We want you to feel safe, respected and empowered. Take that step and click to find out how you can start to rebuild your life today.

Opening Hours

Call: 0161 355 4455

Monday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Thursday 9am – 5pm
Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Other Places To Get Help

National Female Survivor Helpline
0808 800 5005

Need Help Out Of Hours?

If you want to speak to someone outside of these times, the Samaritans are there for you on 116 123. If you don’t feel able to keep yourself safe, please call 999 for free or go to your local A&E.

Please know that we want you to be safe!

Are You Under 18 ?

Our services are available for women who are 18 and over. If you are under 18 and need help or support you can contact the services listed below:

Centrepoint Helpline

Homeless or at risk? Centrepoint offer advice to anyone in England aged 16-25. Free call Monday to Friday (9am-5pm)

Young Manchester

A charity that strives to improve opportunities for all children and young people across Manchester.

Manchester Mind

Children & Young People’s services, including young people’s counselling and advice. Open Monday to Friday (10am-2pm). If you are low on credit, request a call back.

42nd Street

Supporting young people (16-25) with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. Open Monday to Friday (9.30am-5pm)