We Understand
We know that you may feel alone and we know it takes courage to seek help but you’re here visiting our site and that shows you have taken that first important step.
1-1 Support
We can offer 1-1 support taking into account your needs and how you wish to be supported.
Once you have registered with us, you’ll be invited to attend an initial assessment. This means that you’ll be asked to tell us about what problems you are dealing with and start to look out how we can help you. The confidential assessment will be undertaken by a qualified and supportive member of our team.
We’ll then help you to create a support plan, so that you understand what to expect and exactly how we’ll be supporting you.
Support Team
The support team will work with any issue such as housing, benefits, relationships, including domestic abuse, criminal justice and offending, mental health, personal development, support at meetings and advocacy.
We want to reassure you that we will try to make your visit both to here and hopefully in person, as safe and reassuring as possible. We’re women helping women. We understand you, we GET you, but importantly, we’ve got you and will do everything possible to help.
We are able to support you in a variety of ways. If you’re unsure as to whether we can support you then please just get in touch. We are here for YOU. We also offer a signposting service to other organisations who may be better placed to help. We understand and care about women just like you and offer a personalised approach. Go on, pick up that phone and let’s talk. If you’re not ready for that then please just drop us an email.
A Woman Centred Approach
The service provided by Stockport Women’s Centre is for women only. We believe that women need access to services within a women-only safe space. Most importantly, we recognise and understand that women’s needs are different to men’s. The services and support we provide needs to be delivered in such a way as to provide the best opportunity for positive outcomes for women.
Women who are facing multiple challenges could be living with an overwhelming combination of problems, domestic violence, offending behaviour, physical and mental illness, substance misuse, unemployment and homelessness. If support for these challenges is offered in different locations it can make it difficult to access and maintain.
By offering a Women’s Centred Approach, we can act as a safe, reliable, comfortable and accessible solution.
A Trauma-Informed Approach
We have developed a trauma-informed approach to our work.
Our team is well trained, empathetic and passionate about making a difference. We exist to support women and their recovery.
Our approach is based on an understanding of, and responsiveness to, the impact of trauma. It emphasises physical, psychological and emotional safety and creates an opportunity for women to build a sense of control and empowerment.Commercial Office Building