About Stockport Women’s Centre

Our Mission

Stockport Women’s Centre provides support to improve the wellbeing, physical and mental health of women, enabling them to improve the life chances for themselves and their families.

Our Vision

Women in Stockport are strong and confident.

Our Values

  • Respect
  • Empowerment
  • Diversity
  • Support
  • Safety

Our Behaviours

  • Everyone is entitled to feel safe

  • Everyone has a right to respect

  • We educate

  • We are accessible

  • We empower

  • We are caring

  • Everyone has the right to support

  • We embrace diversity

  • Women and children have the right to grow and fulfil their full potential

Our Aims

  • To improve the mental health and wellbeing of women, improving their ability to provide a better environment in which they and their families can flourish.

  • To specifically target Stockport priority areas addressing inequalities that exist and improve access to therapeutic services for women.

  • To build relationships with our service users and each other based on trust and respect.

  • To provide opportunities for women to help other women through volunteering, enabling them to learn and develop, and to give something back to the wider community.

  • To provide a safe, confidential, welcoming and nurturing environment for women.

  • To promote well-being, confidence and self-esteem amongst staff, volunteers and the women we support.

  • To offer a range of high quality, holistic, personalised services to support women.

  • To provide an accessible, non-judgemental and confidential service for Stockport women.

  • To be an innovative and financially sustainable service to continue to meet all of our aims.

  • To encourage, empower and support women to make informed choices to improve their quality of life.

  • To maximise opportunities for women in Stockport working in partnership with other organisations who are concerned with the health and support of women.

  • To consult with our stakeholders to ensure continual improvement of our services.

  • To continually monitor and evaluate our services to ensure that they meet the needs of women.