We are delighted to share the first quarterly update on the Effective Women’s Centre Project in Greater Manchester.

Here are some of the highlights (to read the full report, please click here):

Parliamentary Event

Staff members from Stockport Women’s Centre and Salford foundation met with MPs and members of the House of Lords at the Effective Women’s Centres Project event on Wednesday 20th November 2024.

Prisons Minister, Lord Timpson OBE, held a roundtable chat to hear recommendations for working with women in contact with the Criminial Justice System (CJS) to prevent re/offending through community support.

Women’s Risk Needs Assessment

The Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) is a comprehensive gender-responsive risk, needs and strengths assessment designed specifically to be used with criminal-justice involved women.

It is made up of an interview and a survey and the results help:

  • create holsitic case plans
  • predict reoffending rates
  • evaluate effectiveness of interventions

Here are a few of the statistics from WRNA assessments carried out between January and December 2024:

Completed WRNA Assessments
Average Number of Complex Needs per Service User
Proportion of Service Users Demonstrating Mental Health Needs

Further results breaking down percentages by risks, needs and strengths are available in the full report (see download button below).

Gendered Wellbeing Assessment

All three Greater Manchester EWC members (Stockport, Salford and Oldham) will begin using the Gendered Wellbeing assessment (GWA) from January 2025.

This assessment takes a holistic look at all aspects of a woman’s life and indetifies risks, needs and strength. Data from these assessments will be used by the University of Birmingham to validate the GWA for wider use as part of the Effective Women’s Centres Project.

The data will also provide a ‘real time’ picture of the key challenges facing women in Greater Manchester, giving us more power to work with others in the charity sector to campaign for change.